Writing down your progress has been PROVEN to help people lose weight successfully. Because I am a huge advocate of being honest with yourself on paper, I created the Lyfestyle Makeover Fitness Journal to help you sculpt your best body and lyfestyle in the most beautiful way possible.
I wanted to bring beauty into fitness with the the Fitness Journal. My goal was to have you open it, smile, be happy to work out, and be motivated to eat clean!
Your fitness journey should be something you love and look forward to everyday.
-Personal motivational letters/qoutes from Kristina
-54 full daily pages where you can record your food, workouts, sleep, and recap your day in detail.
- 5 of my favorite inspirational sayings
-12 grocery list pages
-Progress report pages
-2 Detailed Body Measurement Pages
-2 “Before and After” photo galleries
-Goal Setting Page
You will be able to use this 4 week journal as your personal diary of your transformation. It’s going to be a period of your life that you will never forget. The moment you open your journal is the moment you are deciding to finally live the life you DESERVE. You WILL get that body that you’re dreaming of. There’s nothing that can hold you back.
Buy it with the 30 DAY MAKEOVER to lean down by New Year’s Eve and save $20 instantly!
Get the fitness journal for FREE when you purchase the 30 Day Makeover Bundle.

Digital eBook available, only.
No printed journals provided (coming soon)