How to Achieve a Transformation?

There is no special secret to achieve a transformation. It comes down to pretty much 3 things.
Are you willing to work hard?
Are you willing to sacrafice?
Are you willing to give it everything you got?
If you answered yes to all 3 of these questions then you have passed. You can achieve a 30 day transformation!
I'm going to tell you right now that you don't need any special pill that makes you lose weight. Did you know you can do it all by yourself? Just by eating whole natural foods, drinking more water & working out consistently.
During my own weight loss journey of 50 lbs I always saw advertisements of a special "fat burner pill" of some sort either on the radio, advertisements on facebook, or the infamous "skinny" or "thin" tea on Instagram that supposedly makes you thin.
Don't get me wrong I am all about natural products and have been drinking tea literally all my life and believe in the medicinal effects it has on our bodies but my problem is most of these companies are misleading us with false information, they have mislead me as well. I even ended up trying out a couple "fat burner pills" but soon after I started doing more research I stopped right away. My point is to be very careful while looking for "fast results". I know what its like to want to just lose weight as fast as possible and looking at easier alternates then getting our butts up to get to the gym. Let's face it, no one really enjoy having to lose tons of fat especially if you don't neccessarily know how to.
I'm here to let you know that there are other options in choosing how to lose weight, tone, and just being a more fit, healthy and happier person.
I am aslo here to help you do the "impossible" which is transforming your body, mind, & soul in just 30 days.

I have created a 30 Day Makeover guide that help you learn a lot about nutrition and overall fitness. I have put together 2 different eBooks that are over 50 pages each!
Get Fit Quick Guide - This book is filled with workouts, how to pictures, the best workouts to get in shape and lose weight, plus tips & tricks to get the best results possible.
Eat Healthy Quick Guide- Is a nutrition guide filled with a meal plan, weekly grocery list, recipes, and tips all about nutrition and feeding your body according to your goals.
In my 30 Day Makeover Bundle I also offer a Fitness Journal for FREE! My journal is a 30 day book that allows you to track your meals, workouts, water, sleep & even a page dedicated to your grocery list.
This is not just a quick fix, this is a lyfestyle. These plans have helped me lose over 50 lbs in less than a year and I know they can help you too!