80/20 Rule for a Healthier Fat Loss!

The 80/20 Rules can change your way of life. I'm going to let you in on a little secret that can change the way you think of losing fat. I have been following this rule since 2013 and it has helped me achieve a fat loss of 50 lbs in one year. The 80/20 principle is no diet - It's a lyfestyle change. People who have suffered from limited diets find that this rule teaches them about balance and moderation...a concept that does not exist in a fad diet. Following the 80/20 rule(s) gives you more leniency to go out with your friends, have a meal, or alcoholic beverage here & there. Most importantly, it makes the whole clean-eating 80% of the time a lot easier.
When it comes to the 80/20 Rule there are different ways you can break it down.
First break down - Fat loss is 80% of your diet and 20% exercise. What this means is that your food intake is substantially more important than how much you exercise if you are trying to lose fat. Although, I do believe they go in hand in hand and exercise is vital to feel good, look good and live longer...I could go on and on talking about the benefits of exercising and all the different types but i'll just save that for another blog.
Another break down of the 80/20 Rule is eating clean foods 80% of the time while indulging just 20% of the time on your favorite foods to achieve a healthy fat loss and a lifestyle change.
A lot of people often come to me and ask me "How can I lose weight?" Well first of all don't think of it as "weight loss" but fat loss and don't think of it as dieting but a new way of life that will last forever. The point of the 80/20 rules is to achieve a sustainable and long term (not a short term!) answer for fat loss. Short term fat loss often means that you'll gain the weight all back plus some more. So stay balanced my friends and use these simple tips to kick start your journey!
So, today I am going to tell you what actions you can take today and how to improve your food to be healthier! Here are some examples:
Keep a Fitness Journal to understand what you eat daily and track your workouts, water intake, and hours of sleep you get each night. Click here to get a $10.00 Fitness Journal
Try to reduce the consumption of beverages such as (sodas, cokes, & fruity drinks) these drinks are filled with un-needed calories and laoded with unhealthy sugar! You will be surprised by how many calories are consumed with just drinks.
Eat more REAL food! Rather than eating processed food like candies, oreos, or reese's, change your snacks to real food like nuts and fresh fruits.
Start small and focus on building one healthier habit each day/each week.
Check out my 7 Day and 30 Day Makeover Fitness/Nutrition guides to help you lose fat and tone up plus give you all the tips/tricks neccesarry for a healthy fat loss. Gain long term healthier habits that can change your life!
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