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8 Tips For A Healthier Thanksgiving

It's that time of the month again back to back Holiday season. I used to think of Thanksgiving as an endless buffet of food that I would usually binge eat. Until a couple of years ago during my weight loss journey I realized that making a couple changes to my approach of the epic Thanksgiving meal can help a lot and make all the difference in how you feel afterwards.

1. Make a plan for dinner

If you're in control of the food choices for your Thanksgiving meal then make sure to include a variety of foods with nutritious value along with other healthy options. Don't be afraid to search for new healthy & delicious recipes!

2. Make a plan for yourself

Don't go into your Thanksgiving meal without a plan, you could accidentally eat 2-3 plates at one time :/ Eat according to your goals! Think nutritious then delicious. Just because there may be a ton of your favorite foods available does not mean that you HAVE to eat them all. Try the one plate strategy, fill one plate up with a bunch of healthy foods, salads, greens, veggies, turkey, or beans, save the not-so-healthy "indulgence" foods for last so you won't have a lot of room on your plate to fill up ;) DO NOT OVERLOAD YOUR PLATE. I REPEAT. DO NOT OVERLOAD YOUR PLATE. Just limit yourself to 1 plate. Remember, there are always leftovers for later on or the next day ...just make sure it's after your workout! For dessert, take a small plate and choose one slice of your favorite cake or pie and a tiny bit of icecream.

3. Make healthier substitutes

During food preparation, you can make some healthier substitutions with the ingredients without anyone noticing.

-Use butter instead of margerine. You can usually cut down on the amount of butter called for like if the mashed potatoes require a stick, add just a half a stick. Cut down the sugar called for in recipes by 1/3 and use stevia sweetener instead of regual sugar. You won't even notice.

-Instead of white flour, mix half white and half wheat flour in recipes.

-Use less cheese than called for, and try to mix in Mozzarella or Parmesan instead of using all cheddar.

-Use Wheat Thins or Triscuit crackers instead of Cheese-its or other white-flour based crackers.

-Make a tasty vinaigrette/balsamic dressing instead of Fatty Ranch dressing for a salad.

-Search on the Internet for healthier recipes for the foods of your fav foods, there's probably thousands of them.

All of this will result in a dinner that tastes just as good or better, but with far fewer calories or processed food contents.

4. Balance your overall calories and exercise for the week and Thanksgiving day.

You know that you will probably eat more than usual on Thanksgiving day so you can cut off some calories the day before and morning of Thanksgiving and make room for exercising. You can do the 7 day & 30 day guides at home with no equipment needed. The whole family can do it! The gym is usually open for certain hours during the morning/day, check out other local events like 5k or 10k runs. You can get through Thanksgiving without gaining any additional weight if you just get up and be active.

5. Don't deprive yourself

It can be unhealthy to deprive yourself of certain foods. You can enjoy most foods with feeling ashamed for doing so. Just follow the tips above & below for some advice on being able to enjoy Thanksgiving the healthier way!

6. Include other activities

Play card games, board games, or any other fun games, socialize with others, watch a movie or football, or talk about things that you are thankful of. If you have nothing planned then chances are you'll just be sedentary sitting there, eating one too many plates.

7. Take a walk

Walking is the best especially after feasting on some Thanksgiving meals. You can easily keep your metabolism boosted, burn a few extra calories, and clear the air of your food coma. If it is too cold outside then either wear warm clothes or find some treadmills ;)

8. Be thankful

Take a step back and think of everything you are appreciative of. What are you thankful for? Also reflect back on your healthy Thanksgiving experience and how you will not be ashamed after the epic Thanksgiving meal.

Happy Holidays & stay active my friends! Anything is possible! Even a healthier Thanksgiving!






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