
Hey everyone! so I have some exciting news...I am doing a water challenge this month of December starting on the 1st. The challenge I am going to present to you is a simple challenge that ANYONE can do and see benefits from it.
Water is so crucial in our every day life. We literally cannot survive with out water. Our body is made up about 70% of our bodies. Think of water as a nutrient that our bodies needs. We lose a lot of fluid through out the day from skin evaporation, breathing, urine, and stool. We need to make sure our water intake is equal to or more than our output or deyhradtion happens. Fluid losses are accentuared in warmer climates, during strenous exercise and high altitudes.
It has so many benefits which I will list down below.
1. Drink Water Helps Maintain the Balance of Body Fluids Each Day -
Your body is composed about 60% water. In order for our bodily functions to survive like digestions, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva. and transportation of nutrients & maintenance of body temperature.
2. Water Can Help Control Calories -
Substituting water for high calorie beverages can help with weight loss and even keep you full when you think you are hungry. Even eating foods with high water content can you keep you full longer for many reasons including more chewing like eating more celery.
3. Water Helps Energize Muscles - Drinking enough fluids is essential when exercising since dehydration can cause muscle fatigue.
4. Clear/Beautiful Skin -
Dehydration can make your skin look more dry and wrinkled. Staying hydrated can help with unwanted pimples, black heads and bumps on your face to clear up.
5. Water Helps Maintain Normal Bowel Functions -
Drinking more water can help your bowel movements and prevent constipation.
6. Water Helps Your Kidney -
Kidney is your natural detoxification system. Drinking more water can help your kidneys excrete toxins in the urine. Your urine should be able to flow freely and always be light colored. If it is a dark yellow color then you are already dehydrated and need to drink water ASAP.
What is the #KFWaterChallenge?
The Water Challenge will be a fun way of challenging ourselves to drink more water each day for the whole month of Decemeber! So I challenge YOU to drink 1 gallon of water every day of December!
Do you think you can do it? Well I hope so because I am giving away prizes to the ALL the winner's!
I am picking 3 random winners at the end of month to win workout equipment!
1. All you have to do is follow the recipes, post pictures of you doing the Water Challenge on Instagram by taking a selfie with a gallon of water or of a detox recipe...feel free to get creative.
2. Hashtag #KFWaterChallenge #LyfestyleMakeover
Tag @peruvianbarbiie @lyfestylemakeover (this is so I can see your posts)
3. I will be picking 3 random winners by going to the hashtag #KFWaterChallenge to see who has has posted.
4. I will be reposting all pictures with the hashtag #KFWaterChallenge all month!
I will be updating my Blog with delicious detox recipes that you can include in your #KFWaterChallenge!
Add me on Periscope for live streams each week! I will be streaming live detox recipes and workouts exclusively for the #KFWaterChallenge.
Periscope account is @peruvianbarbiie
I will also be updating my blog weekly with delicious & nutritious detox water recipes that you can include in your Challenge... plus more tips!
Can't wait to see your posts!
Comment below if you're joining!