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12 Days of Fitmas

12 Days of Fitmass Calendar

Starts December 16 - December 27th

Christmas is right around the corner! Can you believe it? Well... I hope you are prepared.

I have created the #12DaysOfFitMas Calendar so everyone can stay on top of thier fitness game during this holiday month!

Don't let the holidays be an excuse to give up or slack off. Stay accountable! My meal plan from my 30 Day Eat Healthy Quick has got me ready to take on the Christmas + New Year Holiday! Now we have the 12 Days of Fitmas which challenges you to do a couple exercises each day to keep our bodies active burning off calories and feeling energized!

Now, these exercises are not TOO challenging, this is something you can wake up and do first thing in the morning (after you drink some water of course ;) or before bed. The workouts are so quick like less than 10 minutes but make sure to properly warm up and cool down after each session! Get your whole family and friends involved and invite them to stay active with you!

Just click on the photo to get the document and you can email it to yourself or print it off maybe hang it on the fridge so the whole fam can get involved!

tag @peruvianbarbiie @lyfestylemakeover

so I can see your posts from the #12DaysOfFitmas and like/comment on your posts :)

Happy Holidays & Stay Fit!


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