Stay Fit During the Holidays!
The 4th of July. The day to shoot fireworks, celebrate American independence, and most of all eat a LOT of food! Hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sloppy Joes, onion rings, beer, French fries, buttery corn on the cobb, chips, chicken and of course bread. With all these food options we all get tempted to not eat well and overindulge. Is there anyway not to give into your temptations? Is there anyway to only eat one plate? I think there is! Here’s a list of tips to keep you from pigging out on the 4th.

1. Eat small portions
Remember that you shouldn’t anything that is bigger than your fist at one time besides vegetables (most food portions should be smaller than your fist). You can even trick yourself into thinking your eating more than you are by using smaller plates.
2. Eat the good before the bad
Fill up on the healthy stuff first. Before you take down a whole bag of lays chips maybe dig into some carrots and hummus or even celery and light ranch. You are likely to eat the most food when you first start eating and vegetables (filled with water) will help slow digestion and make you feel fuller.
3. Have 1 or 2 alcoholic beverages
I know it’s the 4th you have an extra day off work and you want to go wild. Keg stands, beer bongs, and chug contests seem like everything today, but cutting down to just one or two alcoholic beverages will go a long way. Drinking three alcoholic beverages can be the equivalent of eating an entire loaf of bread depending on what beer or beverage you are drinking. One margarita has upwards of 700 calories. So, don’t be an alcoholic today.
4. Be active while you eat
Your parents always told you to sit at the table, not to talk with your mouthful, and finish your whole plate, but today forget those rules. Enjoy the day as you eat and you will find that you’ll eat less. Play a game of corn hole between bites, or play a game of basketball while your eating your hot dog. Catch up with a friend you haven’t seen in awhile as you snack on some chips and salsa. All of this activity will help you burn off the calories, eat slower, and eat less, which is all great for your metabolism. Be anything but a coach potato today.